cody bear's friends

welcome to cody bear’s world…
February 3, 2008, 5:49 pm
Filed under: animals, dogs, mutts, pets | Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

… where you need to move fast and you must take respite from chores and errands.

its SO hard to catch (with camera) cody bear when he’s h.o.p. (hell on paws).


but, i needed some pictures of him this weekend since  i got a bunch done yesterday, but none of it was photo-worthy:

got car detailed, took car to shop to get new battery and oil change, took cody to a shop, did some laundry, and some dishes, brushed cody bear’s teeth AND fur, started knitting martha’s birthday present(hope she likes it), took cody bear for a super long walk.

anyway, you get the idea. so, here is another attempt at catching him in action as he corners around a shrub:


great, cody bear, thanks.  ANOTHER speeding butt shot.

i finally got this one as he blew by me:


i’m glad he got some yayas out because he has to go to work with me today and appear well-mannered and stress free.  like many dogs, he’s happiest when he’s moving fast.  but also, the exercise gets his endorphins out and about, making him a happier dog throughout the day!

2 Comments so far
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Go Speed Racer cody bear, go!

Comment by Checkers

It’s a car, it’s a train, no–it’s Cody Bear!
So good to see a happy dog enjoying himself.

Comment by Gina

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