cody bear's friends

random fact #3 – i couldn’t be farther from perfect
February 20, 2009, 6:52 am
Filed under: blogs, life, photography | Tags: , , , , ,


there’s perfect…then there’s me. the antithesis.

i don’t do dishes promptly.  i freak out when my car dies.  i don’t pay bills on time.  i double book.

aging2i’m getting older.  i’m getting bigger.  i have wrinkles. and arthritis in my left ankle.  while we’re at it…my electric toothbrush died.

i watch survivor. i don’t empty my cf cards on time.

you get the picture.

random fact # 3- i’m deliciously and unforgivably flawed.

thursday night think tank…
February 13, 2009, 2:09 pm
Filed under: dogs, friends, pets | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

obedience class with pickles last night!  i have pictures about the dogs, but details about the people.  it’s an interesting class. after an hour of rigorous canine learning we all chat while the dogs romp. here a beagle shows off her jumping into the arms trick.

beagle-jumpthe beagle belongs to an enlish teacher at the community college and her husband who is getting his mfa in writing at the university.

the golden belongs to a novelist.

curious-shoethis dog belongs to a nurse/nursing teacher at the university. she adopted him when she was nursing in kathmandu!

the pittbull belongs to my friends the biology professor and the entomologist.

and then there is me and pickles.  i’m the only one in the class with no higher than a b.a. …..but…i do have the smartest dog!  it’s true!

the bloggeres tale
January 1, 2009, 10:31 pm
Filed under: health, life, writing | Tags: , , , , , ,

mom has left.  she has mopped my floors and deemed me well enough to fend for myself.  while she was mopping i decided to park it in front of some book shelves and dust. 

i’m considering packing some of my books away. i never re-read books. no one wants to borrow any of the titles i have, but…i just can’t throw them away.


can you read what any of those books beneath the shelf are?  have you read them? can you tell what my major was in college?  did you laugh at all while reading the canturbury tails?

i’m feeling better, but still not up for work tomorrow.  i’m wiped out from fighting this,  but i’m relieved the antibiotics are working.  truthfully, i have-to-have-to-have-to make a huge daily effort to not be stressed out.  i always teach the pet therapy classes that long term exposure to stress chemicals sap your immunity.  and here, i’ve just taught myself…again.

in junior high we read a story in english class called “the yellow wallpaper.”  a woman had been sent to a “facility” for what was called a “rest cure.”  as women of the country became more independent and outspoken, the thought of  sending one’s wife away to rest so she could handle her tiny stresses became ridiculous.

how come i feel like i need the rest cure?  and would the members of the women’s studies board at the university be shocked to hear this and relieved that they had lost their weakest member?

maybe i need another nap.

this week’s “tag…your writ!”

i slammed m.t.p. with some unfair words and he countered with: grandma got run over by a reindeer, ace of hearts, lance cookies, beach sand

so, here goes:

’twas the week before christmas and all through the school….everyone was being really, really pious.  the halls were truly hallowed:  only pure and godly christmas carols.  no adam sandler.  no grandma got run over by a reindeer.

it would be 6 months till we graduated and celebrated by flinging puerto rican beach sand from our one-peices.  it was cold. it was snowy.  it was time for chapel.

lunch was hours away.  my smallest school, it had no lunch room.  just a cafeteria for eating bagged lunches and a snack machine with lance cookies, rold gold pretzels, slim jims and the like.

shit that was a long time ago.  i have no idea where my plaid skirt got buried. (hurray!)  a decade later a one night attempt at becoming a partier.  one weekend in vegas(ace of hearts and 10 of clubs got me 55 dollars!), one year hitting local clubs.

winter again.  no stomach growling in the school chapel on wednesdays.  no “let’s hit vegas” after a night a margaritas. (o.k. maybe that never happened)

just me, my cameras, my dogs and a fair amount of restlessness.


writing challenge…xmas chapstick and canned dog food.
December 12, 2008, 4:44 am
Filed under: dogs | Tags: , , , , ,

metabolictornadopuppy has a challenge:  right toward the tags.  he gives you the tags, you write to the ends of using them…but wait…there’s more. in return you must leave him tags as well.

here goes.

his tags:  lip stick, fitTV, barking in the house, rainy days, and tastes like chicken.

merry christmas, goodbear.  usually people give up on the children’s christmas long before now. but, at 38…well…you’re in for your first adult christmas.  no gifts under the tree.  no gift exchange with family.  their furkids get gifts from yours. your furkids get gifts from theirs.  the dogs know it, too.  when the package arrives from home….there will be barking in the house.

you’ve been conteplating getting yourself cable tv as a christmas gift.  24 hour animal planet and fitTV.  you know what…..screw fitTV. i’ve got two spastic dogs….i’ll be fine.  so, yeah, scratch cable all together.  maybe i’ll just get myself a new lipstick.

time to go shopping actually.  two dog toys, one cat toy.  one can of fancy feast and two cans of holistic organic dog food.  mmmm…tastes like chicken.

if the 60s are the golden years…late 30s are the rainy days.


poetry alliance’s first endeavor!
June 25, 2008, 5:01 am
Filed under: blogs, cats, dogs, friends, writing | Tags: , , , , ,

thanks to everyone for joining in with the first joint poetry effort. here’s what we got:

(i’m calling it “a day in the comfortable life”

expectations high, i profer a line

stretching strong in the sun, restday overalls dripping

water, ocean, sea, and the gray sky

over dog toys i couldn’t help tripping

With a basket of laundry tucked under one arm

the strong smell of fresh tuna in the breeze

I gathered my thoughts and stumbled toward the clothesline

I figure it couldn’t do any harm

to hang the well worn quilt in the bright sunshine

to enjoy a nice, thundering sneeze.

japanese beetles, shining teal and blue

gypsy moth catapillars and their fuzzy white hue

a blue butterfly flitted gently by my face

In the distance the faint sound of a can opener

some days life is gentle, some days it’s a race

as the lid slides softly from the tin of Miss Mew

I wash my fur with paws of grace

And quickly giggle and skitter for my stew

content with my feast, I find my patch of sun

the quilt dry and warm, lays folded in the chair

the PAB – poetry alliance of bloggers. da’s right!
June 24, 2008, 5:31 am
Filed under: Blogroll, blogs, dogs, friends, life, writing | Tags: , , , , , ,

oooh, our first blog poetry slam.   that’s right.  motivated by lavenderbay‘s poems from the past, i’ve decided that we, the bloggers, are going to cowrite a poem….starting now!

it’s simple.  i start with a line, another blogger follows with another line, and so on and so on.  you can submit as many lines as you want, but they cannot be continuous!  no one can have two lines in a  row! no rules other than that:  any meter, alliterate if you wish, rhyme at will or not at all!  oh, and send friends over to add a line!

the poem ends itself…

i have high hopes for you all!

let’s begin:

expectations high, i profer a line

mad libs tomorrow!
May 21, 2008, 10:17 pm
Filed under: blogs, writing | Tags: , , , , , ,

i almost forgot…i need some words!  my sister is out of town, so neither she nor her cat will be posting words, i’m relying on you guys for words for tomorrows mad libs.  “what’s this?” you ask you submit words and i put them in a piece and we get something akin to this and this.

we need

7 nouns

7 verbs

5 adverbs

7 adjectives

1 boys name

1 girls name

1 location

1 container/vessel


mad lib words needed, folks!
May 14, 2008, 7:52 pm
Filed under: blogs, life, work, writing | Tags: , , , , , ,

i’ve been asked when words can be turned in, so send ’em in!

if you’re new to mad lib thursday, i gather words from you guys in the comments of this post, then thursday, while my boss isn’t looking, i log onto wordpress and do the mad libs.  here are some good ones from the past: here, here and here

so we will need:

8 nouns

7 verbs

6 adjectives

6 adverbs

1 location

1 container

1 girls name

1 boys name

1 wild card – any word of any type you want

thanks!  see you back here tomorrow!

mad lib – bringing home a new puppy
May 8, 2008, 8:24 pm
Filed under: animals, cats, dogs, family, friends, pets, writing | Tags: , , , , , , ,

this mad lib is dedicated to fergus, lavenderbay and e.g.’s new puppy

BRINGING HOME A NEW PUPPY – a mad lib. disclaimer: please don’t actually do this!

Puppy training during the first week is dusty and sweet. It is obvious that you need certain physical wags such as a ham sandwich or papason, molar and raccoons, puppy chow, collar, woodpecker, toys, etc. Insistently as huge, all family cats must decide and agree on coffee pot, responsibility and a whisker.

The first few fish are extremely important. Enthusiasm and swiss cheese are furry. Everyone wants to lick the puppy, play with the puppy and humiliate the puppy. Sleepy rules are gaily broken. Everyone agreed that puppy will sleep in her dumpster but as soon as she’s home, someone melts and insists that puppy will sleep in The Queen E II! Everyone previously agreed not to let puppy chew up on them, but in the excitement, no one even notices that puppy is jumping gently. No one leaps the first night. Puppy wins and gets to pant in bed. The next map we find puppy has eliminated all over the hummingbird. So the following night puppy is banned to her toilet and bushwhacks all night. No one barfs tonight either.

Grouchiness naps in; enthusiasm is playful. No one wants to get up at the pre-agreed upon fatty morning feeding time. How are we going to jump puppy? How are we going to sleep with her constant wagging.

Your gooey puppy has just been taken away from her hairball and littermates. She is content and smelly. What she needs now are bells and tuna. Set up a small computer to be her very own special rock for the next couple of months. Opine the entire floor and put her food/water bowls and spoon in one box. Exsanguinate her toys everywhere.

Play with her sloppily and slowly. Don’t flood her with shoes and rubber dinosaurs. If she looks like she wants to gesticulate, leave her alone. Puppies need translucent sleep.

thus ends the mad lib….