cody bear's friends

grocery cashier likes my…….my what?
July 23, 2010, 8:28 pm
Filed under: dogs | Tags: , ,

wednesday after work i stopped at the grocery to get some toilet paper and a mango.

in the checkout i heard the cashier say, “i just love your little buns.”  the person in line before me looked confused, then realized it was being directed at me.

“?” i asked with a look.

“i just love your little buns!”



oh!  she meant THESE:

she of the dainty feet….
July 21, 2010, 5:52 pm
Filed under: animals, border collies, dogs, love, pets, photography | Tags: , , , , , ,

oh the drama!!! 

“what is it NOW, goodbear?!” you ask, exasperated.

well, turns out the running lifestyle has taken its toll on our dainty border collie friend, pickles.  after intervals for almost 3 miles, she was spent and looks like she has worn her toenails too short.  (picky may have to jog in booties or get nail protection)  her quicks are exposed and way too tender.

she is really milking it, too. i sure hope that’s all that is wrong.  i mean, she has learned her acting skills from the “poor me” master, cody bear.

oh, the pleading stare!

cody bear and i have been overly-babying her.  he’s actually quite concerned.  (and the anthropomorphic side of me assumes he may even be a little relieved it wasn’t him having to go to the vet this time.)

here’s to her up and running on 4 paws again!


isn’t she just freakin’ cute!!!

i can’t handle it!

hey, i know my feet like the back of my hand!
July 19, 2010, 6:22 am
Filed under: animals, beer, friends, life, vegetables | Tags: , , , , ,

our regular breakfast place decided not to serve on sundays.  jerks.  so we started our day at a different place and i have to say….

their hash browns sucked.

moving on to the rest of the day cuz it gets better.

then one of my mates and i went to target and that was fun.

then to the mac store so i could get a new jogging case for my ipod. while i was there…they tried to pimp their macbooks on me.  no thanks.

so then we go to this running shoe store, right?  and my favorite model running shoe is totally on sale.  so i ask the guy for a seven and a half.  he says, “we better measure you.”  but what he meant was, “you’re stupid and you’re wrong so let’s measure you”.

so i stand on the foot scanner and i get very self conscious all of a sudden and i say, “i have flat feet.”  scan scan scan.  7.5 pops up on the screen and genius says, as if this is startling news to me, “you have naturally flat feet.”

then he tries to sell me an eight.

but i love my new 7.5s! so happy. then we went to shop for espresso machines at crate and barrel and william sonoma.  and then we went and had coffee drinks at this posh little coffee joint attached to a fancy market.  fancayyy.

next house cleaning.

then a 45 minute power nap. then i met some girl friends at the driving range.

then jogging with d.

NICE day, i have to say.

then what?

a nice blue moon, now bed time

“what’s with the tomato?” you ask?

it’s just funny. it has a nose.

tomatoes with noses are funny.

and your plans arrrrrrrre…?
July 15, 2010, 9:03 pm
Filed under: animals, dogs, friends, life, puppies | Tags: , , , , , ,

ok, let’s just get THIS out of the way:

there. it is a puppy butt. i KNOW you all like puppy butts.  i don’t have anything to say on the matter, but i knew you were over due in the puppy bunnage.

ok, moving on….

summer is in full swing….you see, because i went to a baseball game.  full swing?

i had a great time with friends, but i must say:  i really do not like baseball.  it goes on forever and there is no net to throw/kick/whack things into.  there were, however, some greatly entertaining drunk scientists and a hardy sampling of flying insects:

i have to admit, i drank way to much beer/tequila/wine during the days buzzy and r. were here.  life is normal again.

hopefully the summer will continue to go well.  dog photography is going great guns!  who’d-ah thought!?

i am planning:

1. a trip to the pacific northwest. (need money to finalize plans)

2. turning 40!

3. going to the forest to find more bugs

4. more macro photography

5. movies with friends

6. running/hiking/biking

7. a couple day trips with friends to cooler temps

8. dog photo shoots

9. some golf (hopefully!)

10.  weekly yoga (empowering and humiliating at the same time!)

11. and hopefully straightening out some life shit.

what are YOUR summer plans?  travel? company? new starts?

from the desk of goodbear
July 13, 2010, 3:48 pm
Filed under: dogs, friends, life, running | Tags: , , , , , ,

mornin’ all.

woke up this morning to a border collie stuck to my side in bed.  can she not feel the heat!?  why so cuddly, little one?

now i’m at work wondering how i’m going to get everything done today.  but, i have this delicious vanilla frappucino.  so amazing. i’d never had one before.

tonight is yoga class.  i’m taking m.  we’re gonna get our STRETCH on!  it will probably be a breeze for her.  she’s pretty “yoga seasoned”, unlike myself.  then pickles and i are meeting a and her border collie to go for a run.  cody bear is staying home this time.  that will really bum him out, but 3 dogs is alot to handle where we’re running. 

ok, time to get to it.  have a nice tuesday all.

all foresty and stuff

buzzy and r have come and gone, leaving two depressed dogs and one very restless goodbear.  we had so much fun and now i need to find something to keep me busy.

now, keep in mind….our fun isn’t everyone’s fun.  for instance, friday night we went out to the forest and set up camp with a bright light on a generator to try to get as many weird insects as possible to join our bbq.

just like old times.  this long horned beetle was a show stopper:

on the menu: brats, garden burgers, beefburgers, pasta salad, chips and salsa and guacamole, sw bean salad, and r made a cake over the campfire!  all t he salads and dips were home made.  oh, and there were beers, also. (duh! of course there were beers!)

it was a beautiful night with some great scientists, some amazing photographers and one bad ass cop.  oh, and me.

prickly poppy/aka cowboys eggs

the visitors are keeping busy!
July 9, 2010, 4:26 pm
Filed under: animals, friends, insects, life | Tags: , , ,

well, buzzybeegirl and her husband are back in town. they’re staying here so i haven’t blogged much. 

i’ve had to work, so they’ve done some mini adventures without me.  museums, wildlife zoo stuff, caverns and other landmarks.  last night we all went to a baseball game and ate junk food and drank beers. 

today i am taking the day off.  we’re about to leave for breakfast, then the photography museum.  after that…preparations for our night in the forest and insect photography!  we have a big group going to the desert forest to look at insect life after dark.

then tomorrow night, a party/bbq here.  sunday…world cup finals!!!

soon to be cheery…
July 5, 2010, 2:49 pm
Filed under: dogs, friends, life, love, pets, photography | Tags: , , , , , ,

it’s hot and the dogs are moping.  but….

what they don’t know is….

buzzy and her man are rolling in to town today and staying with us for a week.

there’s going to be so much wagging in a few hours!!!

pickles doesn’t care about shin splints. why should she?
July 2, 2010, 5:23 pm
Filed under: animals, border collies, dogs, mutts | Tags: , , , , , , ,

….we’ve been running again, the dogs and i. nothing funny about that, right? first of all, border collies do NOT respect the practice of stretching. apparently they don’t need to stretch so …why should anyone else?

but if i don’t stretch properly i get shin splints. must…stretch…fastidiously. so, i get down, start doing the stretches and puppykin comes up with a full body wag and jams her head under my chin and tries to push my head up. she growls and pushes and wags. i move to another stretch: more growling and pushing and wagging. her whole body wiggling, her little paws dancing up and down in excitement. she gets me laughing so hard, then she starts jamming her muzzle in my pony tail. growl. wag. meanwhile cody bear is about to explode, he’s so excited. you see…he thinks running is hunting.

so dangerous running with these two. every time cody bear sees a tiny animal i have to brace myself for “trials of life”. last week we were running towards a pomeranian. we didn’t see it and we were running very fast to cross the street before being hit by a car. said pomeranian starts SCREAMING in this otherwordly pitch. my dogs went bonkers, pulled me across the rocks where i took a face plant in a grassy area. the lady wouldn’t move away,she just stood there holding her pommy while i pulled and tugged at my dogs. she was frozen, looking down at me as the wires to my ipod strangled the life out of me….and just then….the sprinklers went on.

here they are with their game faces on.

“what up g?”

now, i’m totally addicted to i’ve got all our jogs and all our dog walks mapped out to the exact hundredth of a mile.

it’s been in the high 90s when we go so hydrating is very important. (note, one should not do a wine tasting before running in 98 degree heat) also, it’s dark. thankfully noah gave me a flashing bracelet from the “three olives vodka company”. (classssyyyy) makes it easier for the drunk guys to spot you and shout their “damn you look good” at you as they walk into circle K for their next 12 pack. sigh.

last night’s play list: “butterfly” – crazy town (i like running to one hit wonders), “not an addict” – k’s choice, “all mixed up” – 311 and “leave home” – chemical brothers.

notes from the hike

and so it came to pass…abacus and i fancied a hike in the catalinas.

we arrived at the trail head to see this:

a harbinger of pain?  how tough was this hike going to be?

not too bad, actually!  it was hot, but i think we sort of kicked ass!  it was full sun, but we made good time.

now, i need to say, my hopes for nature viewing were low, but we were treated with views of ravens and a hunting red tail.  also, scads of funnel spiders had set up shop:

one knoll was plastered with these.  i like the funnel spiders. they’re efficient eaters…and their bodies remind me of sugar smacks!

we also had some lovely flora…whatcha got right there is the Mirabilis linearis – Narrowleaf Four O’Clock.

the climb was steep so i noticed the plant life on the way up: moving slowly and all.  on the way down, only critters caught my eye.

here is a punk ass grasshopper who i followed for a great while  he would only turn his back to me.

grasshoppers are the biggest teases in sonoran nature. they know you want to take their picture…they leave, but they stay close enough for you to follow.

how high were we?  this high:

we also saw the dainty sulfur and the claret cup hedgehog:

we were back down town by 11:15 for beers and clams at bob dobb’s!