cody bear's friends

and so we moved….
January 1, 2012, 8:24 am
Filed under: animals, dogs, life, love, pets | Tags: , , , , , ,

we’re in the new house!

spree loves the house. that surprised me. i thought the 16 year old cat would be peeved.

but no.

pickles is fin. she loves the place. and after almost a year of horrible illness, she’s romping around like a nut!

but cody bear? he doesn’t like it?  he misses his yard. his stuff.  the things he barked at.

he hates the dogs that bark on the other side of the new fence and the lack of stuff to watch out the window.

but we’re going to work him through it…..

so here’s to 12.   home improvement. healthy dogs.  more successful business and lots of loving friends!