cody bear's friends

who painted “whistler’s mother?” ha ha ha
March 4, 2011, 6:52 pm
Filed under: animals, dogs, friends, life | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

so goodbear has some new activities since she first started blogging.  one can’t miss activity is team trivia every monday night.  (getting excited just thinking about it and it is only friday!!)

so we have this team and….we’re pretty good.  since january 1 we have won 5 times, second place has 2 wins.  there are usually about 20 teams.  our team consists of my photography biz partner(knows many of the music and art questions), abacus (a long time dog park friend great with history and current events), a music store manager friend(knows absolutely everything about current sports and pop culture), a materials engineer (knows alot about music, science and sports) a postal worker (knows crazy amounts of stuff about diverse science categories), a retired biology teacher(has read every book in the english language) a television and non-profit professional(really knows her pop culture), an attorney(current events and geography), an attorney(baseball, movies and random stuff), an attorney(some science and geography) and me(i bring erasers and know a little bit about music)

i think the most fun for me has been trying to predict what he is going to ask each week.

all this goes down at a bar.  some people are there for trivia…some just to drink.  one night i went to the bar between questions to grab a guinness and i saw THIS:

“what IS it?” i asked.

“it’s ABSINTHE!”  some kid said with an excited look in his eyes.  he and two friends were enjoying the prep for their shots!

so that’s monday.  but for the most part, life is still mostly just full of this:

cuddling the bear!  business as usual!

drunken scots! (jk)
February 2, 2011, 6:04 pm
Filed under: animals, beer, border collies, canine, dogs, friends, life, pets | Tags: , , , , , ,

let me just preface this by saying, no dogs were given alcohol while these events took place. or ever, actually.

ok!  it was tuesday night and pickles decided to go to the bar with some of her friends from border collie meetup!  so we went to pickles’ favorite local brewery.  all 6 of us packed into rehmy’s landrover and headed to the bar to freeze on the patio!

you know pickles.  here is ashleigh…

here is frank….checking out the menu and considering my mocha java stout…

the dogs did well, but as we usually do, after a couple beers we get a little silly and take turns making our dogs do tricks at the bar.  they love it because they love treats and attention.

(last time we went out rehmy gave pickles have a sonoran hot dog.  that is NEVER happening again. what a mess.)

we got really cold and decided to put the rovers back in the rover and head home.  a fun time was had by all!

why i will never be a pro bowler….
January 30, 2011, 4:18 pm
Filed under: animals, birds, dogs, friends, life, pets | Tags: , , , , , , ,

so here was yesterday, (an explanation of why i’m still in my jammies and why my back is tired. not sore…tired)


get to the art institute by 9 am to talk to students about dog and nature photography

go to botanical gardens to take some shots.  see this bird with a stick….

which naturally reminds me of this….

pick up abacus to go to breakfast where he orders this….

that’s the “traditional” grilled trout and eggs breakfast meal.  whose tradition IS this, exactly?

head to the cakery to hang out with mc cupcake where she was working on this….

home. two loads of laundry.  take dogs to the park for a nice long walk.

fm picks me up and we go back to the bakery to pick up a sheet cake for the music studio grand opening.

grand opening where i meet this dog….


drink a couple beers, then head home to feed the dogs and take them for a nice walk around the neighborhood.  then head to italian restaurant.

next, cyberbowling at ten.  i finish game 1 with 100.  next…70…next 61.

i won’t be going pro.

the hops and holes theory….or…goodbear’s billiard training regime
August 19, 2010, 5:18 pm
Filed under: beer, friends, life | Tags: , , , , ,

dear friends, please remember, you can’t startle easily if you go out drinking with goodbear.  that’s your warning.


because at any minute, while you’re casually lifting your glass to take a sip of beer, she might hiss, “don’t move” while she reaches for her bag.

…and pulls out a camera and makes you hold your glass up to the pretty lights.

oooh. ahhhh.

yes, i did go out for beers on a work night.  and yes, i am freakin exhausted today. 

but it was worth it. it was fun, plus i needed to be reminded about how much i suck at pool.  like every other american female my pool skills increase with each beer.  the number of balls sank per game is directly proportional to the amount of beers you’ve drank.  also, there is an exponential element. 

first beer = you still suck

second beer = most of your efforts are still humiliating, but maybe 2 or 3 shots will elicit a charitable high five from opponents.

third beer = you’re infallible.  at least….that’s what you remember. 

fourth beer = you still act like you CAN’T BELIEVE you made that shot, but in your tipsy head you’re thinking….”i’m a phenom!”

for the record, i only had 3 guinness last night, so i never hit “phenom” status.  also, i know i wasn’t infallible. 

 anyway, fun times. 

now get back to work!

hey, i know my feet like the back of my hand!
July 19, 2010, 6:22 am
Filed under: animals, beer, friends, life, vegetables | Tags: , , , , ,

our regular breakfast place decided not to serve on sundays.  jerks.  so we started our day at a different place and i have to say….

their hash browns sucked.

moving on to the rest of the day cuz it gets better.

then one of my mates and i went to target and that was fun.

then to the mac store so i could get a new jogging case for my ipod. while i was there…they tried to pimp their macbooks on me.  no thanks.

so then we go to this running shoe store, right?  and my favorite model running shoe is totally on sale.  so i ask the guy for a seven and a half.  he says, “we better measure you.”  but what he meant was, “you’re stupid and you’re wrong so let’s measure you”.

so i stand on the foot scanner and i get very self conscious all of a sudden and i say, “i have flat feet.”  scan scan scan.  7.5 pops up on the screen and genius says, as if this is startling news to me, “you have naturally flat feet.”

then he tries to sell me an eight.

but i love my new 7.5s! so happy. then we went to shop for espresso machines at crate and barrel and william sonoma.  and then we went and had coffee drinks at this posh little coffee joint attached to a fancy market.  fancayyy.

next house cleaning.

then a 45 minute power nap. then i met some girl friends at the driving range.

then jogging with d.

NICE day, i have to say.

then what?

a nice blue moon, now bed time

“what’s with the tomato?” you ask?

it’s just funny. it has a nose.

tomatoes with noses are funny.

and your plans arrrrrrrre…?
July 15, 2010, 9:03 pm
Filed under: animals, dogs, friends, life, puppies | Tags: , , , , , ,

ok, let’s just get THIS out of the way:

there. it is a puppy butt. i KNOW you all like puppy butts.  i don’t have anything to say on the matter, but i knew you were over due in the puppy bunnage.

ok, moving on….

summer is in full swing….you see, because i went to a baseball game.  full swing?

i had a great time with friends, but i must say:  i really do not like baseball.  it goes on forever and there is no net to throw/kick/whack things into.  there were, however, some greatly entertaining drunk scientists and a hardy sampling of flying insects:

i have to admit, i drank way to much beer/tequila/wine during the days buzzy and r. were here.  life is normal again.

hopefully the summer will continue to go well.  dog photography is going great guns!  who’d-ah thought!?

i am planning:

1. a trip to the pacific northwest. (need money to finalize plans)

2. turning 40!

3. going to the forest to find more bugs

4. more macro photography

5. movies with friends

6. running/hiking/biking

7. a couple day trips with friends to cooler temps

8. dog photo shoots

9. some golf (hopefully!)

10.  weekly yoga (empowering and humiliating at the same time!)

11. and hopefully straightening out some life shit.

what are YOUR summer plans?  travel? company? new starts?

from the desk of goodbear
July 13, 2010, 3:48 pm
Filed under: dogs, friends, life, running | Tags: , , , , , ,

mornin’ all.

woke up this morning to a border collie stuck to my side in bed.  can she not feel the heat!?  why so cuddly, little one?

now i’m at work wondering how i’m going to get everything done today.  but, i have this delicious vanilla frappucino.  so amazing. i’d never had one before.

tonight is yoga class.  i’m taking m.  we’re gonna get our STRETCH on!  it will probably be a breeze for her.  she’s pretty “yoga seasoned”, unlike myself.  then pickles and i are meeting a and her border collie to go for a run.  cody bear is staying home this time.  that will really bum him out, but 3 dogs is alot to handle where we’re running. 

ok, time to get to it.  have a nice tuesday all.

all foresty and stuff

buzzy and r have come and gone, leaving two depressed dogs and one very restless goodbear.  we had so much fun and now i need to find something to keep me busy.

now, keep in mind….our fun isn’t everyone’s fun.  for instance, friday night we went out to the forest and set up camp with a bright light on a generator to try to get as many weird insects as possible to join our bbq.

just like old times.  this long horned beetle was a show stopper:

on the menu: brats, garden burgers, beefburgers, pasta salad, chips and salsa and guacamole, sw bean salad, and r made a cake over the campfire!  all t he salads and dips were home made.  oh, and there were beers, also. (duh! of course there were beers!)

it was a beautiful night with some great scientists, some amazing photographers and one bad ass cop.  oh, and me.

prickly poppy/aka cowboys eggs

the visitors are keeping busy!
July 9, 2010, 4:26 pm
Filed under: animals, friends, insects, life | Tags: , , ,

well, buzzybeegirl and her husband are back in town. they’re staying here so i haven’t blogged much. 

i’ve had to work, so they’ve done some mini adventures without me.  museums, wildlife zoo stuff, caverns and other landmarks.  last night we all went to a baseball game and ate junk food and drank beers. 

today i am taking the day off.  we’re about to leave for breakfast, then the photography museum.  after that…preparations for our night in the forest and insect photography!  we have a big group going to the desert forest to look at insect life after dark.

then tomorrow night, a party/bbq here.  sunday…world cup finals!!!

soon to be cheery…
July 5, 2010, 2:49 pm
Filed under: dogs, friends, life, love, pets, photography | Tags: , , , , , ,

it’s hot and the dogs are moping.  but….

what they don’t know is….

buzzy and her man are rolling in to town today and staying with us for a week.

there’s going to be so much wagging in a few hours!!!