cody bear's friends

mad lib thursday! – a cover letter for an important job!
April 17, 2008, 10:54 pm
Filed under: blogs, life, work, writing | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Sample cover letter from “The smart woman’s guide to resumes and job hunting” (thanks to Checkers and terrie)

Dear Prudence:

Your kibble in last Sunday’s Louisville Courier-Journal explained that you ate a professional ham sandwich who also has the ability to handle multiple slovenly projects. I can bring just that kind of belligerence and ability to your bigot.

For the past rotund years, I’ve been a receptionist and office assistant at a puckish medical practice. In addition to handling the tongues for seventeen family practitioners, I also Siphon appointments and handle paperwork and wooden nichols. Last year, I decreased time spent on billing by 25 percent by creating fasterest invoicing and accounts payable charlatans.

As you can imagine, this job disparages the ability to maintain a professional phone thug under pressure and to juggle many different cody bears! It also photoshopped the opportunity to use computerized accounting endive, another skill that should prove useful in your bigot.

The enclosed resume details other behinds I can offer you. After you’ve had a chance to review it, I’d like to meet with you by the bathtub to discuss the position. I will call you next Monday to try to wallup a meeting.


53 Cent

(i don’t think mr. 53 cent is going to get the job!)

5 Comments so far
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Brilliant work!
Do you like the Beatles? Maybe you could try humming “Dear Prudence,/ Won’t you come out to play?” when yucky co-worker is bothering you, and go to a more strawberry-fields-type headspace.

Comment by lavenderbay

I would hire this person-they sound interesting. Especially the part about being a tongue handler. What does that really mean though…?

Comment by Checkers

Excellent, we love it!

Comment by NY hamptonite

[…] Filed under: blogs, life, work | Tags: blogging, boredom, mad libs, work, writing hi everyone.  last week’s mad lib was pretty good.  please submit words, if you […]

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