cody bear's friends

grouchiness is good.
March 28, 2008, 5:13 am
Filed under: life, rants | Tags: , , , ,

my grouchiness saved my life today. it’s true.  i was in the car alot, work errands and such.  people were driving 25mph in 35mph zones, forgetting to DRIVE when the light turned green.

so,….i’m at a red light, left hand turn lane.  the light turns green and i’m hangin’ at the red arrow.  light yellow, arrow red: one car goes through.  red light green arrow, my foot off the break, car speeds through.

…instead of proceeding i flip out. that’s IT! that’s the last straw.  i should have stepped on the gas, and the folks behind me were probably cursing at me.  i bang the steering wheel and start swearing, certain i look like homer simpson’s dad.  next car, red light, MY green arrow, speeds through.  if i hadn’t reached my limit and been having my temper tantrum….i, as well as my car, would be pretty dented right now.

so, see people, being cranking isn’t ALWAYS a bad thing.

things that irked me today:  slow drivers, red light runners, wayyy toooo much cologne on coworker i had to go on work errand with, allergies,